4800 Grand River Ave.

Sundays @ 10:15


Our service is a rare blend of historic liturgy with current and meaningful worship music and teaching that is solidly Biblical yet accessible to people from every walk of life. Each week we culminate our worship with the Lord’s Supper. We believe you will find Sundays at Redeemer very meaningful.

Children’s Sunday School — 9:00 (sept.–may)

Children’s Sunday School meets on the 2nd floor of the rectory and is divided into 3 classes:

    • Ages 2-4 (room 206)
    • Ages 5-7 (room 207)
    • Ages 8-10 (room 208)

Adult Sunday School — 9:00 (sept.–may)

This semester, we will be spending time unpacking the implications of what it means to be scattered in the city of Detroit for ministry. Class meets at 9:00 down in the fellowship hall.


Worship — 10:15 am

Sunday School

9:00 – 9:45


Our classes meet September through May and cover critical topics in the Christian faith from a Christ-centric viewpoint. Volunteers and pastoral staff lead courses for the following age groups:

K-2nd / 3rd-5th / Adult Education

Care is also available during this time for children up to five years of age. Junior and senior high students are encouraged to attend the adult education class.

Children’s Ministry

10:15 (during worship)


Redeemer Kids

We strongly encourage families to participate in the entirety of worship together. However, if children are not yet ready to stay in the service, we offer childcare for children up until their fifth birthday. During this time, children will take part in a modified form of worship which includes praise, learning about God, and prayer.

Families may check-in children before the beginning of the service or take part in praise and prayer before children are dismissed to the Redeemer Kids Room (2nd floor of the rectory building) before the sermon. Care is provided until the end of the service, but you may decide to pick up your child(ren) after the sermon. 

For more information about Children’s Ministry at Redeemer Detroit, please contact Kathryn Zug.

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